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Defining Processors

  • Preprocessors cannot be defined in Azimuth, but if they are included in the user pipeline, the tool can display the results of the preprocessing steps.
  • Postprocessors can be included as part of the user pipeline, similar to preprocessors, and defined in Azimuth, either by leveraging the default postprocessors, or defining new ones.

Default Postprocessors

By default, Azimuth applies thresholding at 0.5. It also supports Temperature Scaling.

Azimuth provides shortcuts to override the threshold and the temperature. Add this as postprocessors in the PipelineDefinition.

  • For Temperature Scaling : {"postprocessors": [{"temperature": 1}]}
  • For Thresholding : {"postprocessors": [{"threshold": 0.5}]}

Pipeline with Processing

If your pipeline already call preprocessing and/or postprocessing steps, as explained in Define a Model, the model prediction signature needs to have a specific output, PipelineOutputProtocol or PipelineOutputProtocolV2.

Both classes need to contain the model and post-processed predictions. The difference between the two classes is the presence of two extra attributes in V2 to return the intermediate results of the preprocessing and postprocessing steps. Those will be displayed in the UI.

from typing import Protocol

from import PostProcessingIO

class PipelineOutputProtocol(Protocol):
    """Class containing result of a batch"""
    model_output: PostProcessingIO  # (1)
    postprocessor_output: PostProcessingIO  # (2)
  1. model output before passing through post-processing: texts, logits, probs, preds
  2. output after passing through post-processing: pre-processed texts, logits, probs, preds
from typing import Protocol

from import PostProcessingIO

class PipelineOutputProtocolV2(PipelineOutputProtocol, Protocol):
"""Class containing result of a batch with pre and postprocessing steps"""
    preprocessing_steps: List[Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]] # (1)
    postprocessing_steps: List[Dict[str, Union[str, PostProcessingIO]]] # (2)
  1. list of preprocessing steps with the intermediate results. See Preprocessing Steps below.
  2. list of postprocessing steps with the intermediate results. See Postprocessing Steps below.

PostProcessingIO is defined as the following.

from typing import List

from azimuth.types import AliasModel, Array

class PostProcessingIO(AliasModel):
    texts: List[str]  # (1)
    logits: Array[float]  # (2)
    preds: Array[int]  # (3)
    probs: Array[float]  # (4)
  1. The utterance text. Length of N
  2. Logits of the model. Shape of (N, C)
  3. Predicted class, argmaxof probabilities. Shape of (N, 1)
  4. Probabilities of the model # Shape of (N, C)

In your code, you don't have to extend PipelineOutputProtocol or PostProcessingIO; you can use your own library, and as long as the fields match, Azimuth will accept it. This is done so that our users don't have to add Azimuth as a dependency.


class PostprocessingData:
    texts: List[str]  # len [num_samples]
    logits: np.ndarray  # shape [num_samples, classes]
    preds: np.ndarray  # shape [num_samples]
    probs: np.ndarray  # shape [num_samples, classes]

### Valid

class MyPipelineOutput(BaseModel):  # Could be dataclass as well.
    model_output: PostprocessingData
    postprocessor_output: PostprocessingData

### Invalid because the field names do not match

class MyPipelineOutput(BaseModel):
    predictions: MyPipelineOutput
    postprocessed_predictions: MyPipelineOutput

In the Config

{"postprocessors": null} should then be added to the config, to avoid re-postprocessing in Azimuth.


If using V2, two new fields need to be provided: preprocessing steps and postprocessing steps.

The preprocessing steps need to be returned as a List of Dict with the following keys and types.

class_name: str  # (1)
text: List[str]  # (2)
  1. Name of the pre-processing step, usually the name of the Python class.
  2. Text of the utterance after the pre-processing step.
        'class_name': 'PunctuationRemoval',  # (1)
        'text': ['Test'],  # (2)
        'class_name': 'LowerCase',
        'text': ['test'],

The postprocessing steps also need to be returned as a List of Dict with the following fields and types.

from typing import List

class_name: str  # (1)
output: PostProcessingIO  # (2)
  1. Name of the post-processing step, usually the name of the Python class.
  2. Prediction results after this step.
        'class_name': 'TemperatureScaling',
        'output': PostprocessorOutput(
            logits=array([[-0.20875366 -0.25494186]], dtype=float32),
            probs=array([[0.511545 0.488455]], dtype=float32),
        'class_name': 'Thresholding',
        'output': PostprocessorOutput(
            logits=array([[-0.20875366 -0.25494186]], dtype=float32),
            probs=array([[0.511545 0.488455]], dtype=float32),

User-Defined Postprocessors

Similarly to a model and a dataset, users can add their own postprocessors in Azimuth with custom objects. However, some typing needs to be respected for Azimuth to handle it.

First, the post-processing class needs PostProcessingIO, as defined above, as both input and output. To get consistent results, all values need to be updated by the post-processors. For example, if a postprocessor modifies the logits, it must recompute probs as well.

The API for a postprocessor is the following:

from import PostProcessingIO

def __call__(self, post_processing_io: PostProcessingIO) -> PostProcessingIO:

You can also extend to write your own postprocessor.


Let's define a postprocessor that will do Temperature scaling:

from azimuth.functional.postprocessing import PostProcessingIO
from scipy.special import expit, softmax

class TemperatureScaling:
    def __init__(self, temperature):
        self.temperature = temperature

    def __call__(self, post_processing_io: PostProcessingIO) -> PostProcessingIO:
        new_logits = post_processing_io.logits / self.temperature
        confidences = (
            softmax(new_logits, axis=1) if post_processing_io.is_multiclass
                                        else expit(new_logits)
        return PostProcessingIO(
"pipelines": [
        "model": ...,
        "postprocessors": [
                "class_name": "loading_resources.TemperatureScaling",
                "remote": "/azimuth_shr",
                "kwargs": {"temperature": 3}