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Behavioral Testing Config

🔵 Default value: BehavioralTestingOptions()

Environment Variable: BEHAVIORAL_TESTING

Behavioral Testing in the Key Concepts section explains how the different configuration attributes will affect the tests results. Note that language-related defaults are dynamically selected based on the language specified in the Language Config (default is English).

If your machine does not have a lot of computing power, behavioral_testing can be set to null. It can be enabled later on in the application.

from typing import List

from pydantic import BaseModel

class NeutralTokenOptions(BaseModel):
    threshold: float = 1  # (5)
    suffix_list: List[str] = []  # Language-based default value # (6)
    prefix_list: List[str] = []  # Language-based default value # (7)

class PunctuationTestOptions(BaseModel):
    threshold: float = 1  # (4)

class FuzzyMatchingTestOptions(BaseModel):
    threshold: float = 1  # (3)

class TypoTestOptions(BaseModel):
    threshold: float = 1  # (2)
    nb_typos_per_utterance: int = 1  # (1)

class BehavioralTestingOptions(BaseModel):
    neutral_token: NeutralTokenOptions = NeutralTokenOptions()
    punctuation: PunctuationTestOptions = PunctuationTestOptions()
    fuzzy_matching: FuzzyMatchingTestOptions = FuzzyMatchingTestOptions()
    typo: TypoTestOptions = TypoTestOptions()
    seed: int = 300
  1. Ex: if nb_typos_per_utterance = 2, this will create 2 tests per utterance, one with 1 typo and another with 2 typos.
  2. Threshold that defines the confidence gap above which the test will fail.
  3. Threshold that defines the confidence gap above which the test will fail.
  4. Threshold that defines the confidence gap above which the test will fail.
  5. Threshold that defines the confidence gap above which the test will fail.
  6. Strings appended to end of utterances for neutral token tests.
  7. Strings prepended to beginning of utterances for neutral token tests.

For example, to change the threshold for the punctuation test:

  "behavioral_testing": {
    "punctuation": {
      "threshold": 0.1
  "behavioral_testing": null
# Neutral tokens
suffix_list = ["pls", "please", "thank you", "appreciated"]
prefix_list = ["pls", "please", "hello", "greetings"]
# Neutral tokens
suffix_list = ["svp", "s'il vous plaît", "merci", "super"]
prefix_list = ["svp", "s'il vous plaît", "bonjour", "allô"]