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Proposed Actions

In the utterance table or the utterance details, annotations can be added to indicate whether an action should be taken for each data sample. The annotations can be exported with the dataset from the Utterances Table.

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Proposed Actions in the Utterances Table of the Exploration Space

Five proposed actions are currently supported:

  • Relabel: The label for this utterance should be changed.
  • Augment with Similar: This utterance lacks nearby utterances in the same class, and new, similarly labeled utterances should be added.
  • Define New Class: This data point may belong to a new class that doesn't exist in the currently defined classes. Based on the number of data points identified with this action, a user may choose to add a new class.
  • Merge Classes: The label and the predicted class for this data point may be too similar. Based on the number of data points identified with this action, a user may choose to merge the two classes.
  • Remove: This data point is irrelevant or otherwise problematic, and should be removed from the dataset.
  • Investigate: The action is not yet clear, but the data point should be further investigated/discussed, within Azimuth or outside the tool.