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Defining a Model

A model is defined as a function that takes an utterance as input and outputs a SupportedOutput (defined below). Some models will output probabilities, whereas other models are "pipelines" which include pre-processing and/or post-processing steps. Azimuth supports both these use cases. The model_contract field from the config will determine how Azimuth will interface with the model, as detailed in this section.

Model Definition

In the config, the custom object for the model defines the class that will load the model.

from typing import Union, Callable

from transformers import Pipeline

from azimuth.config import AzimuthConfig

def load_model(azimuth_config: AzimuthConfig, **kwargs) -> Union[Pipeline,

The output of the function (transformers.Pipeline or Callable) will determine the model_contract that should be used.

When a transformers.Pipeline from HF is returned, we expect it to contain tokenizer: Tokenizer and model: nn.Module.

Model Prediction Signature

The inputs of the model prediction signature will change based on the model_contract. However, the supported outputs are the same for all model contracts.

Supported Output

from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import transformers
from torch import Tensor  # (1)

from azimuth.modules.model_contracts.text_classification import (
    PipelineOutputProtocol, PipelineOutputProtocolV2)

SupportedOutput = Union[np.ndarray,
  1. Tensor from TensorFlow is also supported.

If the model does not have its own postprocessing, the supported output should be one of the 3 first outputs listed above, as shown in the example below.


Assuming the following function, the table below shows how to transform probs in the 3 first supported outputs.

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import softmax


probs = softmax(np.random.rand(NUM_SAMPLES, NUM_CLASSES), -1)
Supported Output Example Shape
np.ndarray probs [N, num_classes]
Tensor torch.from_numpy(probs) or tf.convert_to_tensor(probs) [N, num_classes]
ModelOutput SequenceClassifierOutput(logits=torch.log(probs)) NA

If your model already includes post-processing, or if you decide to create your own post-processing in Azimuth (we already support thresholding and temperature scaling), it will need to output a PipelineOutputProtocol or PipelineOutputProtocolV2. More details can be found in Define Postprocessors.

Model contracts

To differentiate between the different types of models, Azimuth uses a field named model_contract.

model_contract Model type Framework
hf_text_classification HuggingFace Pipeline Supported by HF
custom_text_classification Callable Any
file_based_text_classification Callable Any

HuggingFace Pipeline

model_contract Model type Framework
hf_text_classification HuggingFace Pipeline Supported by HF*

*Saliency maps are only available for Pytorch models.

This is our canonical API. It currently supports all of our features and includes some optimization for HuggingFace inference.

Model Definition

In the config, the custom object for the model should return a transformers.Pipeline.

from transformers import Pipeline

from azimuth.config import AzimuthConfig

def load_model(azimuth_config: AzimuthConfig, **kwargs) -> Pipeline:

For most use cases, loading_resources.load_hf_text_classif_pipeline will work.

Model Prediction Signature

The prediction signature is the one from transformers. We will supply the following arguments:

from typing import List

from azimuth.modules.model_contracts.text_classification import SupportedOutput

def __call__(utterances: List[str], num_workers: int,
             batch_size: int) -> SupportedOutput:


This is how we would load a pretrained BERT model using this API:

from transformers import (

from azimuth.config import AzimuthConfig
from azimuth_shr.loading_resources import _should_use_cuda

def load_text_classif_pipeline(checkpoint_path: str,
                               azimuth_config: AzimuthConfig) -> Pipeline:
    model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(checkpoint_path)
    tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(checkpoint_path, use_fast=False)
    device = 0 if _should_use_cuda(azimuth_config) else -1

    return TextClassificationPipeline(
        model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, device=device,
        return_all_scores=True)  # (1)
  1. We set return_all_scores=True to get all softmax outputs.
"model_contract": "hf_text_classification",
"pipelines": [
        "model": {
          "class_name": "loading_resources.load_text_classif_pipeline",
          "remote": "/azimuth_shr",
          "kwargs": {
            "checkpoint_path": "/azimuth_shr/files/clinc/CLINC150_trained_model"

Examples are also provided in the repo under config/examples.

Other frameworks

model_contract Model type Framework
custom_text_classification Callable Any

This general purpose API can be used with any framework.

Model Definition

The user-defined model is a Callable that returns predictions from a list of strings.

from typing import Callable

from azimuth.config import AzimuthConfig

def load_model(azimuth_config: AzimuthConfig, **kwargs) -> Callable:

Model Prediction Signature

When the model is called with a list of utterances, it should return a prediction for each utterance.

from typing import List

from azimuth.modules.model_contracts.text_classification import SupportedOutput

def __call__(utterances: List[str]) -> SupportedOutput:

Disabled features

  1. Saliency maps
  2. Epistemic uncertainty estimation


For models coming from other frameworks, the loading function returns a Callable.

def load_keras_model(checkpoint_path: str,
                     azimuth_config: AzimuthConfig) -> Callable:
    model = tf.keras.models.load_model(checkpoint_path)
    return model
"model_contract": "custom_text_classification",
"pipelines": [
        "model": {
          "class_name": "loading_resources.load_keras_model",
          "remote": "/azimuth_shr",
          "kwargs": {
            "checkpoint_path": "/azimuth_shr/files/clinc/keras_clinc_model"


model_contract Model type Framework
file_based_text_classification Callable Any

Azimuth can also work without a model, but with predictions supplied in a file. To do so, when calling the prediction function, Azimuth will provide the row index of each utterance along with the sentence. The predictions should be after postprocessing.

Model Definition

In azimut_shr/models/file_based.FileBasedModel is given the class that can be used to load file-based models.

Model Prediction Signature

from typing import Any, Dict

from azimuth.modules.model_contracts.text_classification import SupportedOutput
from azimuth.types import DatasetSplitName

def __call__(utterances: Dict[str, Any],
             dataset_split_name: DatasetSplitName) -> SupportedOutput:

where the utterances have the following keys:

  1. row_idx: the indices for each row.
  2. utterance: utterances as defined in AzimuthConfig.columns.text_input.

Disabled features

  1. Saliency maps
  2. Epistemic uncertainty estimation
  3. Threshold Comparison


  "model_contract": "file_based_text_classification",
  "pipelines": [
      "model": {
        "class_name": "models.file_based.FileBasedModel",
        "remote": "/azimuth_shr",
        "kwargs": {
          "test_path": "/azimuth_shr/path_to_your_prediction_file"