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Model Contract Config

Fields from this scope defines how Azimuth interacts with the ML pipelines and the metrics.

from typing import Dict, List, Optional

from azimuth.config import MetricDefinition, PipelineDefinition,
from azimuth.types import SupportedModelContract

class ModelContractConfig:
    model_contract: SupportedModelContract = SupportedModelContract.hf_text_classification # (1)
    pipelines: Optional[List[PipelineDefinition]] = None # (2)
    uncertainty: UncertaintyOptions = UncertaintyOptions() # (3)
    saliency_layer: Optional[str] = None # (4)
    metrics: Dict[str, MetricDefinition] = { # (5)
        "Precision": MetricDefinition(
            kwargs={"path": "precision"},
            additional_kwargs={"average": "weighted"},
        "Recall": MetricDefinition(
            kwargs={"path": "recall"},
            additional_kwargs={"average": "weighted"},
        "F1": MetricDefinition(
            kwargs={"path": "f1"},
            additional_kwargs={"average": "weighted"},
  1. model_contract needs to be chosen based on the model type.
  2. List of pipelines. Can also be set to null to launch Azimuth with a dataset only.
  3. Enable uncertainty quantification.
  4. Layer name where to calculate the gradients, normally the word embeddings layer. Only available for Pytorch models.
  5. HuggingFace Metrics.
  "model_contract": "hf_text_classification",
  "pipelines": [
      "model": {
        "class_name": "loading_resources.load_hf_text_classif_pipeline",
        "remote": "/azimuth_shr",
        "kwargs": {
          "ckpt_path": "distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english"

Model Contract

🟠 Mandatory field with an ML pipeline.

Default value: hf_text_classification

The model contract will be determined based on the model type. More details on what model contract to select based on the model is available in Define a Model.

  • hf_text_classification supports transformers.Pipeline from HF. Examples are provided in the repo under config/examples.
  • custom_text_classification supports any Callable and is more generic. Some features from Azimuth will be unavailable, such as saliency maps.
  • file_based_text_classification supports reading the predictions from a file. A lot of features from Azimuth will be unavailable, such as behavioral testing and saliency maps.


🟠 Mandatory field with an ML pipeline.

Default value: None

In Azimuth, we define an ML pipeline as the combination of a model and postprocessors. This field accepts a list, since multiple pipelines can be loaded in Azimuth. If set to null, Azimuth will be launched without any pipeline.

from typing import List, Optional, Union

from pydantic import BaseSettings, Field

from azimuth.config import CustomObject, TemperatureScaling, ThresholdConfig

class PipelineDefinition(BaseSettings):
    name: str # (1)
    model: CustomObject # (2)
    postprocessors: Optional[ # (3)
        List[Union[TemperatureScaling, ThresholdConfig, CustomObject]]
    ] = [ThresholdConfig(threshold=0.5)]
  1. Add a name to the pipeline to easily recognize it from the webapp. Ex: distilbert-base-uncased-th-0.9
  2. Azimuth offers a helper function for HF pipelines. See the config example.
  3. The default postprocessors in Azimuth is a temperature of 1 and a threshold of 0.5. They can be changed (Ex: postprocessors: [{"temperature": 3}]), disabled (postprocessors: null), or replaced with new ones defined with custom objects.

If using a transformers.Pipeline from HF, the configuration below should work.

  "pipelines": [
      "name": "distilbert-base-uncased-th-0.9"
      "model": {
        "class_name": "loading_resources.load_hf_text_classif_pipeline",
        "remote": "/azimuth_shr",
        "kwargs": {
          "ckpt_path": "distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english"
      "postprocessors": [
          "threshold": 0.9

This will launch Azimuth without any pipelines. Dataset Analysis is still available.

  "pipelines": null

Both the model and the postprocessors are defined with Custom Objects.

  • model allows to define a model. The model can be a HuggingFace pipeline, or any callable. The model can even include its own post-processing. Defining a Model details how to do that with custom objects.
  • postprocessors defines the postprocessors. Azimuth offers some default values for temperature scaling and thresholding. Users can also provide their own postprocessor functions, or disabled them (postprocessors: null). Defining Processors details the different use cases.

Beginner users should start with simple use cases

Beginner users should aim to use Azimuth's default supported postprocessors: temperature scaling and thresholding. We provide shortcuts to override the default values. Ex: {"postprocessors": [{"temperature": 3, "threshold": 0.9}]}. You can also use environment variable TEMP and TH. Ex: TH=0.6.


🔵 Default value: UncertaintyOptions()

Azimuth has some simple uncertainty estimation capabilities. By default, they are disabled given that it can be computationally expensive.

On any model, we can provide the entropy of the predictions which is an approximation of the predictive uncertainty. In addition, we can tag high epistemic items above a threshold. More information on how we compute uncertainty is available in Uncertainty Estimation.

from pydantic import BaseModel

class UncertaintyOptions(BaseModel):
    iterations: int = 1  # (1)
    high_epistemic_threshold: float = 0.1  # (2)
  1. Number of MC sampling to do. The default is 1, which disables BMA.
  2. Threshold to determine high epistemic items.
  "uncertainty": {
    "iterations": 20

Saliency Layer

🟡 Default value: None

If using a Pytorch model, Saliency Maps can be available. Specify the name of the embedding layer on which to compute them.

Example: distilbert.embeddings.word_embeddings.


🔵 Default value: Accuracy, Precision, Recall and F1. See in the config example below.

By default, Azimuth will compute the metrics listed above. metrics leverages custom objects, with an additional field which allow defining kwargs to be sent to the metric compute() function.

You can add metrics available from the HuggingFace Metric Hub, or create your own, as detailed in Defining Metrics .

from typing import Dict

from pydantic import Field

from azimuth.config import CustomObject

class MetricDefinition(CustomObject):
    additional_kwargs: Dict = Field(
        title="Additional kwargs",
        description="Keyword arguments supplied to `compute`",

These are the default values. This example shows how this could be adapted to other metrics.

  "metrics": {
    "Accuracy": {
      "class_name": "datasets.load_metric",
      "kwargs": {
        "path": "accuracy"
    "Precision": {
      "class_name": "datasets.load_metric",
      "kwargs": {
        "path": "precision"
      "additional_kwargs": {
        "average": "weighted"
    "Recall": {
      "class_name": "datasets.load_metric",
      "kwargs": {
        "path": "recall"
      "additional_kwargs": {
        "average": "weighted"
    "F1": {
        "kwargs": {
          "path": "f1"
        "additional_kwargs": {
          "average": "weighted"