Parallel Processing
Functions for parallel processing of agent workers.
–Processes a stream of items in a thread pool with pull semantics.
–Processes a stream of items using a process pool with push semantics.
lazy_thread_pool_processor(stream, worker_func, n_workers, initializer=None, initargs=(), futures_queue_timeout=1.0, producer_thread_shutdown_timeout=10.0)
Processes a stream of items in a thread pool with pull semantics.
If n_workers is set to 0, the items are processed using a simple loop without threading (for debugging purposes).
Tasks from the input stream are submitted to the thread pool only when the main generator is asked for a value. This ensures tasks are executed on-demand, as their results are consumed.
(Generator[InputType, None, None]
) –InputType generator that yields items to process.
) –The number of worker threads to use.
(Callable[[InputType], OutputType]
) –The function to process each item.
(Optional[Callable[..., None]]
, default:None
) –An optional initializer function to call for each worker thread.
(tuple[Any, ...]
, default:()
) –Arguments for the initializer.
, default:1.0
) –The timeout for the futures queue (default: 1.).
, default:10.0
) –The timeout for the producer thread (default: 10.).
OutputType | Exception
–OutputType | Exception: The processed result for each input item, or an exception raised during processing of the corresponding input item.
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process_pool_processor(stream, worker_func, n_workers, initializer=None, initargs=(), keep_order=False)
Processes a stream of items using a process pool with push semantics.
If n_workers is set to 0, the items are processed using a simple loop without multiprocessing (for debugging purposes).
This function submits all tasks from the input stream to a process pool for concurrent processing. Unlike a thread pool, a process pool uses multiple processes, which can provide true parallelism especially useful for CPU-bound tasks. The tasks are executed immediately and run to completion irrespective of whether their results are consumed.
(Generator[InputType, None, None]
) –A generator that yields items to process.
) –The number of worker processes to use.
(Callable[[InputType], OutputType]
) –The function to process each item. This function should be picklable since it will be passed across process boundaries.
(None | Callable[..., None]
, default:None
) –An optional initializer function to call for each worker process. Useful for setting up process-specific resources.
(tuple[Any, ...]
, default:()
) –Arguments to pass to the initializer.
OutputType | Exception
–OutputType | Exception: The processed result for each input item, or an exception raised during processing of the corresponding input item. Results are yielded as they become available.
Since this uses multiple processes, the worker_func
and the items in the stream
should not rely on shared state with the main process unless that state is safe to
share across processes (like using multiprocessing-safe constructs).
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