Getting Started

Ensure you are installed and have an instance to talk to. A PDI may be good start for playing around if you do not have access to a development instance.

The ServiceNow client

The ServiceNowClient is your interface to an instance.

First we import:

>>> from pysnc import ServiceNowClient

Then we create a client:

>>> client = ServiceNowClient('dev00000', ServiceNowPasswordGrantFlow('admin', password, client_id, client_secret))
# or more insecurely...
>>> client = pysnc.ServiceNowClient('dev00000', ('admin', password))

We use the client to create a GlideRecord object:

>>> gr = client.GlideRecord('incident')

Familiar? The real difference is we follow python naming conventions:

>>> gr.add_query("active", "true")
>>> gr.query()

Or even:

>>> gr.add_active_query()

This means that instead of Java/JavaScript camelCase we use python standard in PEP-8. For example addQuery has become add_query.

Querying a record

The query methods are designed to behave very similarly to the glide implementations:

>>> gr.add_query("value", ">", "1")

Or encoded queries:

>>> gr.add_encoded_query("valuesLIKE1^active=true")

We can do or conditions:

>>> o = gr.add_query('priority','1')
>>> o.add_or_condition('priority','2')

Followed by a query:

>>> gr.query()

No HTTP requests are made until query() is called.

Get a single record

We can do our standard get:

>>> gr.get('6816f79cc0a8016401c5a33be04be441')

Or an advanced get:

>>> gr.get('number', 'PRB123456')

Iterating a record

There are two methods to iterate a GlideRecord:

>>> while
>>> for r in gr:

When using the traditional next() function you will have to call rewind() if you wish to iterate a second time. The pythonic iteration does not require this and allows for list comprehensions and other python goodies.

Limiting Results

We are using the REST api after all, and sometimes we want to limit the number of requests we make for testing or sanity checking.

We can set limits on the number of results returned, the following will return up to 5 records:

>>> gr.limit = 5

There is no default limit to the number of records we can query. We can also specify the fields we want to return:

>>> gr.fields = 'sys_id,short_description'

Or like this:

>>> gr.fields = ['sys_id', 'short_description']

This can reduce the load on our instance and how long it takes to query results. We can also use the fields feature to dotwalk table to reduce the record queries we need:

>>> gr.fields = 'sys_id,assignment_group.short_description'

We can also modify the batch size, which is by default 10:

>>> gr = client.GlideRecord('...', batch_size=50)
>>> gr.batch_size = 60

Batch size, along with fields and limits, will affect how the API and instance perform. This should be tuned against API usage and instance semaphore set configuration. This documentation does not provide said guidance, when in doubt leave it default.

As a rule of thumb, query only the fields you actually want.

Accessing fields

We can access any field value via dot notation or the standard get_value() and get_display_value() methods. Fields are backed by record.GlideElement

For example:

>>> gr = client.GlideRecord('problem')
>>> gr.query()
>>> gr.state
record.GlideElement(name='state', value='3', display_value='Pending Change', changed=False)
>>> gr.get_value('state')
>>> gr.get_display_value('state')
'Pending Change'
>>> gr.state == '3'
>>> f"State is {gr.state}"
'State is 3'
>>> gr.state.nil()
>>> gr.state = '4'
>>> gr.state
record.GlideElement(name='state', value='4', display_value=None, changed=True)
>>> gr.state.get_value()

The PySNC module cannot infer what a given columns data type may be from the REST API – this gives some limitations on possible methods such as the getRefRecord

Setting fields

>>> gr = client.GlideRecord('incident')
>>> gr.initialize()
>>> gr.state = 4
>>> gr.get_value('state')
>>> gr.set_value('state', 4)


You can use len or get_row_count() (they are the same):

>>> gr = client.GlideRecord('incident')
>>> len(gr)
>>> gr.get_row_count()
>>> gr.query()
>>> len(gr)
>>> gr.get_row_count()

Insert, Update, Delete

We can insert new records (you must call initialize() first):

>>> gr = client.GlideRecord('problem')
>>> gr.initialize()
>>> gr.short_description = "Example Problem"
>>> gr.description = "Example Description"
>>> gr.insert()

And update:

>>> gr = client.GlideRecord('problem')
>>> gr.get('a06252790b6693009fde8a4b33673aed')
>>> gr.short_description = "Updated Problem"
>>> gr.update()

And delete:

>>> gr = client.GlideRecord('problem')
>>> gr.get('a06252790b6693009fde8a4b33673aed')
>>> gr.delete()